
Replatform Technologies, LLC specializes in migrating mission critical mainframe applications to low-cost, high-performance platforms. Whether you are migrating a production application or a development environment, we can help you save. We provide all levels of service from project management to programming services.

We do not represent any software or hardware vendor. You can be confident that we will size your hardware and software licenses with your interests first.

More companies are realizing the benefits of replatforming, from lowering cost, to increasing flexibility. We are ready to help you make the move that will revitalize your mainframe applications.

Two of our main products are OpenKicks and MortSort software. Please click the menu links for more information about the software. We also offer a one-hour WebEx presentation and conference at no cost to you, so that you can learn more about these products. During the one hour session, the engineer of the product will give you an online presentation and answer your questions. You are welcome to invite your associates to join the WebEx conference, without having to travel or leave your office. If you are interested in talking to our engineer about these products, please email us at info@replatformtech.com